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thank you Austin Kleon

This blog is a documentation of what I am learning; bits of the process and reflective thought that comes out of it.

In his book 'Show Your Work!' Asutin Kleon recommends to his readers to embrace being amateurs and share the learning process as we go through learning ourselves. Sharing our final work is one approach to publishing work, but sharing the process is another that can help inspire people to learn with us. The argument is that beginners will prioritise and share what other beginners will also find helpful. Austin Kleon also highly recommends claiming a small space of the internet for us to do this, for free, so this is what this website is about.

In my daily life I engage in a number of things; I studied architecture and I have experience working as an architect. I have also travelled and worked in a hostel in Melbourne and on a flower farm in Tasmania. I studied Buddhist philosophy for a couple of weeks in Nepal that changed my attitude and outlook completely and did a Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. I draw, paint, read and learn what I can about philosophy, being and life and I meditate every day.

In this blog I will cover the following topics, not excluding branching out in the future:

  • Architectural/Interior discarded works and designs

  • Philosophical/creative writing

  • Academic studies

  • Drawing/painting/art

  • Reading material

  • Self-development

"Don’t think of your website as a self-promotion machine, think of it as a self-invention machine."

Kleon, Austin.


1 Comment

Martina Cutajar
Martina Cutajar
Jul 30, 2021

testing the comment box, hello

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